The Docent Volunteers are the backbone of the Museum. Without our Docent Volunteers that know each aspect of the Exhibits, there would be no transfer of history to the patrons. We rely and appreciate their time and commitment to the Museum.
Please click below if you would like to be a Docent Volunteer.

The Trail Volunteers are needed to keep The Trails in a safe condition for the citizens as well as a healthy ecological environment for the local Gopher Tortoises. In cooperation with the City of Cocoa, The Trails are maintained to support the community at large and are part of the uniqueness of the Museum's location and educational opportunity.

Educators!! What can we say, but Thank You! We rely and trust in you to bring educational and inspirational experiences and activities to the youth of today as these are our future educators, thinkers and doers of tomorrow. Again, thank you for choosing the Museum as your next destination.